Dog Psychology, Behaviour & Training

Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist

 Dog language, psychology, behaviour and training.

Helping people to understand dogs since 2009

Threebestrated for 2022 and 2023 in succession 

Promoting Responsible Dog Ownership

with Colchester Council since 2011

Helping you to


Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist

Connors Legacy was established in 2009 to help people understand the specific changes in the science related to pack theory and your domestic dog. Helping with specifics surrounding dog behaviour, psychology, language and modern positive training methods. The business has been built on reputation because of the help we offer to build bridges through the misunderstanding between past communication theories, which helps build trust and respect between humans and dogs alike. We pride ourselves on knowing that we've been able to help all dogs and people we've been in contact with, even without meeting the dog. The main aspect surrounding this success is helping people understand that they're not pack leaders but are more parents to their dogs.

Ideally, we should ask more than command, and if the dog doesn't do what is asked of them, then we should consider this more relevant to the dog asking questions than anything related to stubbornness or defiance. Dogs can't ask questions vocally in a way we can understand, and this confusion is also relevant the other way around, so they have to show us the question and understanding the specifics within their body language will always help us understand their feelings because it's these feelings that dictate behaviour. Just like us!

We specialise in every aspect of dog behaviour and training and are respected by various dog rescues around the country (and now abroad with the power of social media) because we go out of our way to help these dogs that need more help understanding all of the changes happening to them whilst in the rescue system and within their new homes. We have been featured in local and national press; we are returning advisors on BBC Radio, various TV production companies, and local authorities.

If you believe that we're able to help you and your dog, then please contact us via email at Or social media at @connors.dogbehaviourist, @BillConnorsLegacyGibson 

however, for a more urgent response, please contact Bill directly at 07989473131. 

Ongoing ethos:

After being founded in 2009, our organisation's ethos advocated for dogs by addressing human inconsistencies and inappropriate methods and highlighting the shortcomings of outdated and potentially harmful pack theory methods.  We have evolved our approach to highlight that many contemporary training techniques and tools, as presented in online platforms, most current television programs, and various outdated training companies around the UK, are often misguided and will adversely affect canine behaviour.  Please do not misunderstand; we are not suggesting everything is wrong; many very effective, force-free, positive training methods are available today. However, no methods, whether online or on TV, should be used to control or retrain unwanted behaviour.

It is important to recognise that every person is an individual. They all learn independently, which is one reason you may recognise different words used to describe the same thing throughout this page.  This is also relevant to how dogs learn and the current science-based methods used to help change behaviour today.  Because we are all individuals.  Our company's ethos, plus our extensive expertise and experience in this sector, have equipped us to address these deficiencies and inaccuracies that are widely available, very effectively.  This commitment has fostered the development of Connors Legacy as we fast approach our second decade, to already be recognised for its well-established and positive reputation within the industry.

In both 2022 and 2023, Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist was recognised as one of the top three dog training companies on

Services We Provide

Over the past decade, we have proudly assisted thousands of dogs.  The organisation has been invited to return as an advisor on BBC Radio and has received extensive coverage in local and national newspapers.  Furthermore, numerous television production companies, local authorities, and dog charities worldwide have sought our expertise through various methods, from phone, email, video message and social media platforms.  Our specialisation encompasses domestic, rescue, and reactive dogs with various behavioural and training needs.  A comprehensive list of our services is provided below.

We assist dog owners in understanding their pets' behaviour by interpreting visual cues, applying modern dog psychology, and utilising current reward-based training techniques.  With over 40 years of experience in the field, we strive to gain a deeper understanding of these remarkable animals, thereby enabling owners to navigate the often misleading and potentially harmful theories and training methods prevalent in online resources and those promoted by some other trainers and behaviourists.  Our commitment is to employ only modern, positive reinforcement training methods while continuously expanding our knowledge about these extraordinary companions so that we may share valuable insights with those in need - namely, our clientele.

A very experienced behaviourist will visit your residence to discuss your concerns and evaluate your dog's behaviour in its home environment.  The behaviourist will assess your dog's body language to identify specific issues that may lead to confusion or stress and recommend strategies to mitigate these concerns.  Utilising modern psychological principles, we offer updated basic reward-based training, advanced individualised training, and cognitive behavioural therapy methods designed to address unwanted behaviour arising from a range of emotional states.  Additionally, we assist in training specific behaviours that are advantageous for home life, employing modern dog training methodologies centred on positive reinforcement.

A more comprehensive list of our services is offered below.



Dogs should not be classified as difficult, uncooperative, stubborn, mischievous, headstrong, or obstinate when they fail to comply with instructions.  Numerous undesirable behaviours exhibited by dogs are often a result of confusion, which may arise from inconsistent human actions, reactions, or misunderstandings related to how and when to engage with the dog's behaviour.  If a dog is not adhering to instructions, it may be attributed to their current emotional state or a lack of clarity regarding their expectations.  In instances of aggressive or reactive behaviour, such as pulling or lunging on a lead or barking at the door, other dogs, or individuals, it is advisable to seek assistance from a professional dog trainer or behaviourist.  A modern, force-free, experienced professional will possess the necessary advice and techniques to modify a dog's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour without simply suppressing undesirable emotions that cause unwanted behaviours.  Training within the home environment is particularly beneficial, as it typically presents fewer distractions and reduces the likelihood of the dog experiencing anxiety or fear, which can adversely impact behaviour outside the home.

Our organisation is prepared to assist you in acquiring knowledge about your dog's psychology, behaviour, communication, positive training methodologies, and canine care in general.  It is imperative to recognise that there are no immediate solutions to issues related to dog behaviour; establishing respect and trust with your dog requires time and effort.  We do not endorse dog boot camps or so-called "quick fix" training instruments such as pinch collars, chain collars, prong collars, or e-collars.  Furthermore, we do not support aversive training techniques that involve yanking or checking the dog or aversive tools such as spray bottles, tins with stones in them, airhorns or any other tools marketed as a means to stop unwanted behaviours.  Nor do we advocate for the deployment of pack theory.  Such methods are often detrimental, leading to heightened confusion, anxiety, and fear, which often result in unpredictable or antisocial behaviours.

Emotions play a pivotal role in shaping behaviour, so it's essential to methodically tackle any negative thoughts and feelings to ensure the dog feels safe and at ease.  We can significantly enhance the dog's confidence by cultivating positive emotions through gentle interactions and rewarding experiences. This approach not only alleviates anxiety and confusion but also lays the groundwork for transforming unwanted behaviours into more desirable ones. It’s about creating a nurturing environment where dogs can thrive emotionally and behaviorally.

Instead, we emphasise the importance of reward-based positive training methods that facilitate the development of a confident and contented dog.  Engaging in just 20 minutes of instruction with a dog can effectively mentally exhaust the dog, more than an hour of physical exercise.

We understand that finding the right training methods for your dog can be a confusing and overwhelming task, particularly when there are so many conflicting opinions online.  Unfortunately, some trainers and behaviourists still use outdated and harmful pack leader methods that can negatively impact your dog's emotional and mental well-being.  It's important to note that just because someone has a large social media following or positive reviews, it doesn't necessarily make them the best choice for your dog.  In fact, most of what we might find on TV or online is outdated theories regarding canine behaviour.  The methods can harm your dog's psychology more because they prevent your dog from expressing themselves and hinder their ability to communicate their needs effectively.

How does your dog ask you a question?

When a dog has a question they want to ask, they primarily try to communicate it to you through their behaviour.  Which is often their most expressive form of enquiry.  However, many people may misinterpret this behaviour as unruly, unwanted, or unpredictable.  In response, they might respond harshly by saying "no," scolding their dog or attempting to manipulate the situation to restore control physically.  This method of discipline should be reserved for genuine emergencies.  By saying "no" or using other methods to try and stop unwanted behaviour, we will often cause a flurry of confusion and emotions, including animosity, anxiety, frustration, and anger.  All of these emotions dictate further unwanted behaviours.

Unfortunately, human hands are often used to try to control, and this can often cause confusion.  When we frequently rely on physical corrections to manage a dog's actions, we inadvertently teach the dog that using their mouth is an effective way to influence their environment.  Dogs naturally use their mouths to explore, communicate, and interact with the world around them, making it essential for us to understand their perspective and respond with patience and understanding instead of punishment.  By doing so, we can foster a more cooperative relationship built on mutual respect and communication.

As a dog owner/parent, please take the time to understand parts of the current UK legislation regarding all dogs,


Help to understand what the UK law says you as a dog owner/parent should know, is offered at the bottom of this page.

Phone or Text Bill Now +44 7989 473131

Understanding Common Behaviours

Helping you to


Many dogs exhibit behaviours that humans frequently misinterpret.  These behaviours may include pulling, lunging, excessive barking, reactivity towards children and other individuals, and chasing vehicles, runners, bicycles, or other animals.  It is crucial to recognise that the primary approach to addressing these behaviours involves altering the emotional and cognitive framework that underlies them rather than attempting to suppress or modify the behaviours directly.  Efforts to cease such behaviours through the application of punishment or the utilisation of various tools and methods advertised online or on television can result in confusion, resentment, frustration, anxiety, and fear in dogs, particularly if their underlying emotions and thoughts are not comprehended.  It is important to emphasise that many of these emotional responses may not be directly connected to the unwanted behaviour.  Lead training serves as a pertinent example of this issue.  Numerous online resources purport to assist in correcting lead-pulling behaviour; however, these often exacerbate confusion.  Should these methods be detrimental or misapplied, they may intensify the existing problem rather than resolve it.  Furthermore, while these methods may temporarily suppress the behaviour, they can lead to the emergence of the underlying feelings manifesting in other behaviours, resulting in unpredictability in the dogs behaviour.

Dogs are not inherently unpredictable.  If one possesses an understanding of their visual language, the movements of the ears, eyes, head, and tail, along with speed and body posture, are all significant indicators of canine emotions.  Neurological issues can frequently be discerned through specific body language.  For instance, a dog may scrape the back of its front paw against the ground as it walks.  Aggressive behaviours such as growling, snarling, lunging, air snapping, barking, and nipping are employed by dogs to assert control over their environment and signify dissatisfaction with specific changes occurring at that particular moment.  Such behaviours serve as a means to prevent more severe reactions, including biting.  Consequently, if a dog is exhibiting biting behaviour or any other unwanted actions, it is essential to explore the underlying causes and address the confusion or concerns that may be driving these behaviours.

Issues related to lead training often originate from confusion and or concerns within the home environment, frequently arising prior to attaching the lead.  Such issues may manifest in various other behaviours, including barking at the door, following a family member throughout the house, displaying clinginess, or reacting to other dogs or people present in the home.  Even a seemingly simple act, such as placing a lead on a dog, can provoke behavioural problems during walks.  Many individuals may mistakenly perceive their dogs as problematic when on the lead, while believing they behave appropriately off-lead.  This confusion is typically rooted in the dog’s anxiety concerning the lead, which arises from uncertainty prior to leaving the house, often resulting in behavioural challenges when the dog is off-lead.

A significant number of unwanted behaviours displayed by dogs can be interpreted as enquiries.  The manner in which individuals respond to these enquiries significantly influences how the dog will frame future questions.  Engaging in punitive measures, scolding, yanking on the lead, or applying physical corrections can diminish a dog's trust and respect for the owner, leading to resentment towards the person or situation perceived as the source of distress.  It is essential to understand that dogs will persist in their enquiries regardless of the owner’s reactions, and these questions are frequently expressed through visual signals that may easily be overlooked.  For example, dogs may exhibit calming gestures by pulling their ears back against their heads, narrowing their eyes, or lowering their heads, particularly before, or during petting interactions.  As illustrated in the picture below.  

The fact that behaviour is caused by emotions we should ideally consider anticipating our dogs emotions before any unwanted behaviour occurs.  The best way to recognise our dogs emotions is to learn their visual language.  So call us now, we offer help to understand your dogs visual language.

Helping you to


Below is a list of equipment and methods which are deemed Aversive by ABTC, and should not be used in training animals.

NB This list is not exhaustive but is indicative


• Pet corrector – emits a hiss of cold air
• Dog stop – emits a high-pitched sound
• Remote-controlled spray collars
• Automatically triggered spray collars
• Anti-bark collar – emits spray directed onto dogs’ skin (including new product jet master)
• Choke chain/collar (whether metal ‘chain’ or any other material)
• Influencer collar (sometimes known as ATC) a form of choke collar designed to sit high on a dog’s head to put pressure on the sensitive area just below the ears
• Prong collar/Pinch collar
• Electric collar/Shock collar – remote or automatic
• Training discs when used to startle or as a missile
• Pet ‘training’ mat/Scat mat
• Electronic shock/radio fence (sometimes termed ‘freedom fences’)
• Liquid sprays/water pistols – water, lemon juice or others


• Loud noises e.g. rattle cans/bottles/chains/keys
• Throw stick/chain
• Strong smelling substances e.g. smelling salts/ bite back
• Pinching – ears/feet/toes
• Hitting
• Stepping on dog’s feet
• Kneeing in dog’s chest or body
• ‘Alpha roll’/pinning
• Hard jerks on collar and/or lead
• Any manhandling that causes pain, discomfort or fear
• ‘Flooding’ - a technique where the animal is exposed to a maximum intensity anxiety producing stimulus/situation immediately. Exposure to the stimuli happens for a fixed period of time and escape is not permitted.
• Kicking animal’s body or head
• Biting (of animal)





We offer comprehensive assistance in addressing various canine behavioural concerns by facilitating an understanding of the psychological factors that contribute to unwanted behaviours.  Our methodology emphasises effective reward-based training, clarifying and ameliorating these behavioural challenges.  It is imperative for dog owners to evaluate perspectives they may not have previously considered, as this can significantly reduce inconsistencies that often exacerbate unwanted behaviours.  Most undesirable behaviours result from an oversight on our part, particularly in the context of the myriad of conflicting theories readily available online and in popular media.  Additionally, many trainers and behaviourists continue to advocate outdated practices, leading to confusion that obscures more effective solutions.  Embracing a contemporary approach is crucial for the welfare of your dog.




Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist has been built on reputation by those we've helped in the past and they recommend us again and again.

The following are a selection of quotes from the many testimonials offered by owners about the help and service they've received from Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist 


"I can honestly say if it were not for Bill I dread to think where Kai would be now"!


"I can't recommend Bill highly enough. He has changed our lives and I will always be grateful"!


"He has never met my dog yet his tips work amazingly so really would recommend him"!


"We feel very secure now that we know a lot more about dog behaviour and their way of thinking"!

"His training methods are so much more ethical than the typical trainers"!

"Thoroughly recommend him whether you live near him in Colchester or far away"!

These and more can be found on various review pages on the internet where people have kindly written about us or shared our website.

R.I.P. My Special Boy

Even though I didn't think I needed you at the start, your paw prints are still left on my heart.  Although one look in your beautiful brown eyes and any denies of my love would only be lies.

You were named after my Mum and Dad's last resting place, but your loss was much harder to face.  You made everyone feel happy and loved regardless of your look, you gave everyone so much more than you took.

Scientific Studies

Scientific studies demonstrate that the Pack Leader theories no longer apply to domestic dogs today. Originally, these theories were based on observations of grey wolves interacting in controlled environments, such as zoos. In these situations, wolves frequently engaged in disputes over resources, instinctively protecting their belongings, often leading to one wolf asserting dominance.  

However, groundbreaking research utilising fMRI scans to analyse the brain activity of awake dogs has revealed that dogs think similarly to human children aged three to five years rather than resembling their wolf ancestors. Studies also suggest dogs recognise human body language better than the closest human DNA relative. This shift in modern canine psychology emphasises the need to reevaluate our approach to canine behaviour and training for all domestic pets.

Recent studies suggest reprimanding dogs or highlighting their mistakes can profoundly affect canine confidence. This influences canine psychology, which influences their interactions with all individuals, especially those who exhibit such negative responses or might have caused the dog to get reprimanded. These detrimental experiences often lead to undesirable behaviours in other areas. It is advisable to focus on managing the dog's environment rather than attempting to control their behaviour directly. Should a dog engage in unacceptable behaviour, this is often indicative of confusion. Rather than resorting to correction, it is more effective to redirect the dog's attention away from the unwanted behaviour and then request

behaviour with which the dog is confident, remembering to confirm

and rewarding them with food for their compliance.

Did you know that innovative trainers in New Zealand have successfully taught rescue dogs to drive a specially adapted car around a track using science-based methods? In a remarkable feat in 2015, three rescue dogs from the UK were trained to steer a light aircraft through a thrilling figure-eight manoeuvre in the sky, relying on verbal instructions and memory. This incredible training process began on the ground, in a wooden box with a wheel. then moved to the back of a truck utilising the same scientific techniques, before being transferred to the aircraft. These positive reinforcement methods not only foster a strong bond between dogs and their trainers but are also essential practices that every dog owner, trainer, and behaviourist should embrace to effectively train or retrain canine behaviour.

A dog behaviourist looks at the dog's body language to help understand the psychology that dictates the behaviour because canine thoughts and feelings are shown on the outside, which helps to understand what is happening in their brain.  Only then are we able to offer the most comfortable and rewarding cognitive behavioural therapy and training programme to help repair or rebuild any lack of confidence or help to reduce the anxiety, fear or confusion that dictates the unwanted or unpredictable behaviour!

Helping you to


Complete Help and Advice Using Modern Scientific Methods

Behaviour Specialist

*Specific Assessments

*Expert Witness





*Rescue Dog

*Resource Guarding


*Puppy Training

*One to One Training

*Group Training

*Classroom Training

*Online Training

*Clicker Training


*Lead Training

*Assistant Dog Training

*Scent Work Training

*Obedience Training

Dog Psychology, Behaviour, Language and Training.

We help you to understand dogs through their body language and psychology because how your dog thinks and feels dictates their behaviour.  We also help with the best positive training methods, which help to reduce the concerns or questions which dictate unwanted behaviours. 

And so much more

Please contact Bill on 07989473131 for more information, questions, or enquiring about any training listed or not. 

*Travel costs always apply

Let's get in touch



Prices vary depending on the behaviour, psychology, and training needs.

Assessments cost £50* unless a rescue code is offered (**obtained from the rescue). Then, this is currently reduced to only £35*.

The price of a full CBT session is only £150* per hour, using dog psychology and up-to-date cognitive behavioural therapy techniques

to help reduce the psychological effects of PTSD, fear, anxiety, and other emotions which cause unwanted

and often unpredictable behaviour.

Other prices start from ...

Puppy training £50*

Basic training packages start from £75*

Written Assessments from £250*

Don't let the price be why your dog doesn't receive the help required,

and don't hesitate to contact us to see if we can help. Many concessions, payment plans, and offers are often available.

**Ask your dog's rescue to contact us via text on the number at the top of the page with their charity or not-for-profit number, and they'll be issued a reference number for you to use.

*Travel costs always apply at £1.50 per mile from central Colchester (min 10 miles), which is currently inclusive of the return journey, but is likely to change as the changes in fuel costs rise.

Help is also available online via various sources and group sessions but the cost of these training sessions is subject to overhead costs and relevant capacity.


Other costs for specific assessments, expert witness, or other training not listed, are also subject to the relevance, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly for further information on anything not highlighted or mentioned here. 

Helping you to


Canine Visual Language

To help understand how a dog is feeling we must first take the time to understand their body language.

The best way to know a dog is happy isn't related to a wagging tail.  It's the smile on their face!

A calm and comfortable dog is likely to have their ears relaxed in the middle of their head, as in not forward or back, their eyes narrowed in an almond shape, as in not squinted or wide open, and their mouth open in a relaxed manner with a smile on their face. 

A wagging tail is used by a dog to draw attention, much like someone waving at another person to try and draw the other person's attention.  That said, the speed of the wag, the height and specific parts of the tail movement can be used to help highlight various aspects surrounding emotions.

The faster the tail wags is a good indication of heightened emotions such as over-excitement, anger, and confusion.  This can also highlight excessive anxiety and fear, specifically if it's only the tip wagging.  If the tail is likely to be uncurled when the dog is relaxed, then the tighter the curl when they're not relaxed is a good indication of the amount of tension involved with their emotions.

Dogs can also wag more on one side than the other to highlight their positive or negative frame of mind.  If you are able to recognise this, then your dog's left is the negative side and their right side is the positive side.  These sides are also relevant when the tail isn't wagging. 

This doesn't mean the right side is good and the left side is bad, because a dog which is showing unwanted behaviour can have their tail to the right, remember it is positive and negative.  Dogs without tails will show similarities through quick flicks of the relevant ears.

A higher wag usually indicates excitement, whereas a low wag usually indicates confusion, although the closer the tip is getting to the body would usually indicate a fear level, whilst wagging or still.  

To blame a dog for any unwanted behaviour shown is more about our own shortcomings as a pupil, and/or a teacher.  A dog is always learning and their behaviour is dictated by changes within their environment, at any specific moment.

We should never expect a dog to know what is expected of them, regardless of how often the dog has been in that environment.  We are more likely to assess our environment using our eyes and ears, whereas a dog is more likely to assess their environment using their nose.



What did you say?

Most dogs don't understand our vocal language as words much the same as us trying to understand their vocal language, but they do come to understand our consistently similar sounds, tones, body language, body chemistry, and behaviours.  Our own vocal tones, body language, and behaviours are dictated by our thoughts and feelings and dogs are no different.  Teaching a dog basic, consistent visual instruction, such as hand signals for each individual instruction (not command!) will help to reduce much of the confusion, and frustration that leads to many unwanted behaviours.

Don't give a dog a reason not to like humans!

Could you imagine the amount of frustration that builds, if the dog is only told 'no' constantly, or suddenly yanked this way or that way?  What about the lack of respect or animosity that is likely to build if the dog suddenly feels pain or discomfort when they're trying to ask a question?  Can you imagine the amount of frustration that builds if the dog is ignored when trying to ask or explain a question?

Never ignore behaviour!

It's vitally important to remember to never try to stop, change or ignore any behaviour without first changing the thoughts and feelings, confusions that surround the behaviour or cause the behaviour in the first instance. Ignoring unwanted behaviour is only likely to create more confusion and in turn cause further unwanted behaviour.  If you need to get involved with a behaviour please consider walking away and calling your dog, however, this needs to be taught before your requirements because a dog will not learn when stressed.  Calling your dog to the fridge and offering a reward from the fridge will help the fridge to become the same as the Ice cream van for a child.

Never say 'NO!' or tell a dog off!

All dog behaviour is dictated by the dog's own thoughts and feelings, saying 'NO!' is basically telling a dog that you don't care about their opinion.  A dog suddenly growls and they're told 'NO!', how much respect do you think the dog is going to have for those who said 'NO!', let alone the animosities that are likely to build towards those who got them told off?

Why does my dog growl at my children?

A dog will growl to highlight that they're not comfortable with specific changes, at that specific moment, in that specific environment, and this is only offered because all the visual language that a dog offers before the vocal language, which means the same thing has been ignored.  The dog will often recognise a young child as a puppy and will often try to teach the child the same way they would a puppy.  However, if the dog is then told 'NO!' then the dog will blame the child for the dog being told off.  The animosities which build are one of the biggest causes of dogs reacting to children.

You are not a pack leader!

The pack theories surround wolves and not dogs, dogs do not think like wolves!

The original theories surrounding a dog's behaviour were based on inaccurate data surrounding captive grey wolves, the inaccuracies of these original theories caused all pack theories to be disregarded and debunked. The brain inside your dog's head, which dictates the dog's thoughts and feelings works similarly to a young child's brain and the emotions which dictate a child's behaviour are very similar to the dogs.



You are a parent to a young human child more than a wolf, and look out for the obvious repeated questions such as 'Are we there yet?' 'are we there yet?'.  Obvious to most of us but not to the child and definitely not to the dog!

We will help to expel many outdated theories & myths that only help to confuse us and our dogs which often creates unpredictable behaviour in other areas.  Behaviours such as....

A wagging tail should not be thought of as an indication of happiness because dogs also wag their tails when they're confused, angry, anxious, over-excited, fearful, and so on.



The best way to know you have a happy dog is through their smile and other aspects of the canine visual body language that go towards helping to confirm this.  We will help you to recognise various aspects surrounding the canine visual language that will help you to understand how your dog is feeling in every environment or situation.  We also help you to understand and use basic dog psychology and remind you of the importance of using simple common sense which many of us can forget whilst confusing ourselves with the many aspects surrounding dog behaviour, to help you to understand and communicate so much better with your dog.  We help you to understand and only use modern, scientifically proven reward-based behavioural therapies and techniques, only use up-to-date psychological theories, and current reward-based training techniques, as well as current canine language theories and only using positive training.

A barking dog.

If we were to say 'NO' to any dog whilst we're trying to stop the dog from doing something we believe they shouldn't be doing, like barking at the front door, or up at the windows barking at the postal worker, or even in the garden barking at the bird, none of which your dog is allowed to do under current legislation since 2016.  By trying to stop this behaviour all we're likely to do is cause a dog to believe those on the other side of the door/window/fence got them told off and this thought can often manifest into trying to keep those people/dogs/animals away from them so there is less chance of the dog being told off again.

Although it's very important to remember that the dog will not recognise they're doing anything wrong, because they're working with those thoughts in their mind, most humans are likely to consider the dog is showing unwanted behaviour and this is against the law under current legislation.  Ideally, we should call the dog and/or ask for a sit, in the hope of helping to distract this unwanted behaviour, but more importantly, help the dog to understand what you would prefer in replace of this unwanted behaviour.

Stay away because you get me in trouble!

The thoughts and feelings that cause a dog to want to bark this way often manifest into further unwanted behaviour outside of the home such as on lead, or within unfamiliar environments.  Many of us are likely to try and control the behaviour by again saying 'NO' or by pulling the dog closer to us which only gives the thoughts and feelings reason to escalate further again which in turn causes the behaviour to do the same.  Pulling up or back on a lead will often cause a dog to show a more threatening stance within the dog's visual language and this alone will often cause dogs to bark.

If you have a dog, or dogs who react in any way then please seek professional positive behavioural assistance as soon as possible to help reduce the stress the poor dogs are under.  Please look at our Understanding Common Behaviours section below for assistance with lead training or understanding other common behaviours.


Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist

is committed to helping rescue dogs within rescue centres and helping dogs when they're adjusting after they find a home, in the hope of the home becoming their furever home.

Many rescue dogs were originally puppies, who became confused, frustrated, anxious, fearful, confused and overexcited within their home before being given up to rescue centres worldwide. Many of these emotions could have been avoided with the correct knowledge before being given up to a rescue.

We work with rescue centres up and down the UK and various centres

worldwide, helping with specific psychological, and behavioural therapies and training methods that help change the thoughts and feelings that dictate undesirable or unpredictable behaviour.

These dogs are in more need of our help and most of this work is offered free or at a substantially reduced rate. 

Helping you to


Some Current Legislation All Dog Owners Should Know

Over 20 pieces of legislation apply to dog ownership in Britain. This guide will help you understand some of your responsibilities, but it should not be considered legal advice. Always research the legislation yourself as this may have changed since this website went live.

Controlling your dog in public or private dwellings


It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere, such as:

  • in a public place
  • in a private place, for example a neighbour’s house or garden
  • in the owner’s home

The law applies to all dogs.

You can report a dog that’s out of control.

Some types of dogs are banned.

Out of control

Your dog is considered dangerously out of control if it:

  • injures someone
  • makes someone worried that it might injure them

A court could also decide that your dog is dangerously out of control if either of the following apply:

  • it attacks someone’s animal
  • the owner of an animal thinks they could be injured if they tried to stop your dog attacking their animal


You can get an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for up to 6 months (or both) if your dog is dangerously out of control. You may not be allowed to own a dog in the future and your dog may be destroyed.

If you let your dog injure someone you can be sent to prison for up to 5 years or fined (or both). If you deliberately use your dog to injure someone you could be charged with ‘malicious wounding’.

If you allow your dog to kill someone you can be sent to prison for up to 14 years or get an unlimited fine (or both).

If you allow your dog to injure an assistance dog (for example a guide dog) you can be sent to prison for up to 3 years or fined (or both).

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Some public areas in England and Wales are covered by Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) - previously called Dog Control Orders (DCOs).

In public areas with PSPO's, you may have to:

  • keep your dog on a lead
  • put your dog on a lead if told to by a police officer, police community support officer or someone from the council
  • stop your dog going to certain places - like farmland or parts of a park
  • limit the number of dogs you have with you (this applies to professional dog walkers too)
  • clear up after your dog
  • carry a poop scoop and disposable bags

You can report dog fouling to your local council.


If you ignore a PSPO, you can be fined:

  • £100 on the spot (a ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’)
  • up to £1,000 if it goes to court

PSPO's in your area

Local councils must let the public know where PSPO's are in place. Example If dogs are not allowed in a park, there must be signs saying so. If the council plans to put a new PSPO in place, it must put up a notice and publish it on its website. The notice must tell you:where the new PSPO will apply if there’s a map and where you can see it

Report a dog

You can report a dangerous or out of control dog to: 

  • your local police force
  • your council’s dog warden service

  You can also report dog fouling to your local council.

Further help to understand more of the 20 UK legislations which apply to you as a dog owner and your responsibilities can be found here:

Dog laws UK | Blue Cross

 Many of the principles previously taught regarding dog behaviour and training have significantly evolved over the past decade. It is crucial to remain informed about the ongoing advancements in the scientific understanding of canine language, behaviour, psychology, and training.

Current Academic Year 2024/25

Applied Canine Behaviour and Training

University of Hull