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We pride ourselves in the knowledge that more than 95% of those who seek our help and advice were referred to us by others.
Referred via those we have already helped, or by vets, pet shops, dog wardens, police, council members, RSPCA, other animal rescues, dog rescues around the world, dog daycares, dog groomers, dog walkers, various personalities and publishings, and so on. We have also found our name on various other sites around the internet that have no relevance other than how good our reviews are, simply type 'Connors Legacy Dog Behaviourist' into your search engine (Google, Bing, or relevant others) and see for yourself.
The following are a few customers' own opinions, testimonials, or reviews, in their own words, of the help and service they received from Connors Legacy
We feel very secure now that we know a lot more about dog behaviour
Review by Andrea Newton
I was put in touch with Bill by the lovely Angels Rescue in Durham who organised our new Labrador, Sandy, coming to us. We spoke on the phone twice - Bill is passionate about his job and was no end of help. We then had a visit from him a few weeks later at my request to meet Sandy. Quite frankly, it was amazing as within seconds his hand signals made an enormous change to Sandy and he didn't seem as anxious. He stayed until we were happy with all the new information and said he was very happy if we ever needed to call again.
We feel very secure now that we know a lot more about dog behaviour and their way of thinking as it is very different to ours! Sandy seems very happy and settled. Big thanks!
Andrea Newton
The only problem that we couldn't resolve was his aggression towards other dogs.
Review By Denise Duffield
In September 2011 we adopted Kai from a rescue centre. We don't really know what breed he is, we were told a Labrador/Ridgeback cross but who knows. What we do know is that he is a big, strong, beautiful boy and we love him and wanted him to have the best life possible.
We had a few problems at first but we worked through them. The only problem that we couldn't resolve was his aggression towards other dogs. This, however only seemed to happen when he was with me and at one point I actually got bitten (I now know this was my fault) and the more I worried about it the worse it got. I began to dread taking him out for a walk. It became a nightmare experience rather than the pleasure it was supposed to be.
In December 2013 we went to the AA rescue open day and it was there we were introduced to Bill. We arranged for him to come and visit us at home so he could assess Kai on his home ground. This was when a new chapter began in our lives. Bill opened our minds to the way dogs communicated and the signals they used to do so. He, to my great relief assured us that Kai was not aggressive but he did have a very high level of excitement also that he had no respect for me nor did he trust me to look after him. This, Bill said was the reason he reacted towards other dogs - he was looking after me - he was taking on too much responsibility! I had to earn his respect and he had to trust that I could look after him. Bill with his infinite knowledge and understanding of dogs, his patience and his kindness began to show me how to do this. He was totally non-judgemental and showed so much empathy for both me and Kai.
I can honestly say if it were not for Bill I dread to think where Kai would be now for at times it almost became to much to cope with.
We still have a long way to go but each day I can see an improvement in both Kai and myself and we are both enjoying life a lot more. Even though Bill's visits have come to an end he is always available at the end of the phone or via e-mail to offer help and advice and that is very reassuring.
I can't recommend Bill highly enough. He has changed our lives and I will always be grateful.
Thank you Bill.
Denise Duffield
"bill gave us new signals to use and to use sounds as commands and to watch for things like the tail to see how he was feeling this worked wonders with him"
Review By Shereen Elizabeth Meanwell and Sharon Meanwell
hi everyone this is our almost 14 month old American bull dog x rottie called brownie. i contacted bill a few months ago for help with him as he is very strong and was very naughty, bill gave us new signals to use and to use sounds as commands and to watch for things like the tail to see how he was feeling this worked wonders with him.
our other problems were that he is very scared of other dogs... and people although he has never been kept away as a baby always socialised. he is still wary of dogs but getting on really well when it comes to people i have just walked him to our local shop and past people who he sniffed when they stopped to say hello and then we carried on and he stayed outside the shop and waited ( i could see him at all times) and 2 people walked past him and he didn't even bother to look at them we couldn't of done this before the training tips bill gave us as it would cause uproar with him as he was so scared he used to bark but hide behind you and try to run away.
another problem we had was pulling he is a very strong boy as i said and we tried a halti but he chewed through 4 of them lol so we tried a harness this worked until he got used to it then bill suggested a half check collar so we bought one of these and it the best collar we've ever bought it works a treat with a training lead he doesn't pull now using this and it made things so much happier now we can walk round with out being dragged every where so it makes walks more fun for him and for us and he can go for longer walks knowing we have control 100%
I would recommend bill to anyone who needs advice or training for their dogs he is fantastic and does not judge you all i have told you above has worked by talking to bill by phone he has never met my dog yet his tips work amazingly so really would recommend him
thanks bill for all your help
shereen, sharon (my mum) and of course brownie boy xx
"Bill was a breath of fresh air compared to a couple of other dog trainers i'd spoken to"
Review by Samanatha with Sasha and Big D
I contacted Bill after having a traumatising few months with my GSD, I literally could not be in another room from her without her almost clawing a hole in the door to get at me. Every time I went to work, or had to pop out of the house, Sasha would go crazy, she’d not just do the usual dog howl, she would actually scream, she’d ram the child gate pretty much getting her head stuck in the bars! Continually run up and down the stairs, she once jumped up onto the upstairs open window ledge to see me, my partner had to pull her down, I’m pretty sure she would have jumped she was that desperate to be with me all the time. It was so distressing to hear and see her that way. I'd heard of separation anxiety but this was so intense. I knew I needed help, and after searching the internet I came across an ad for Connors Legacy. Bill came to my house the next day and was very polite and professional he made me look at myself, and helped me to understand how my behaviours and energy affected Sasha. Nothing was ever too much trouble for him. I went into work the next day raving about how good he was, and so many colleagues and friends have since called on him for help and advice
He just couldn’t have come soon enough.
Sasha no longer suffers with separation anxiety and I now feel confident and in control of my two dogs. Bill helped me realise that getting frustrated gets you nowhere, it just creates a confused dog that wants to please you, but hasn’t got a clue how to. When my dogs are not doing or going where i want them to, I know now it’s because I’m not guiding them properly.
Bill was a breath of fresh air compared to a couple of other dog trainers i'd spoken to. I never felt judged, and he never criticised, just showed me ways of teaching and training that have made my dogs an absolute joy to be around.
Samanatha with Sasha and Big D
"Bill taught me how to try and keep him calm and how to look out for my dogs own calming signals"
Review by Cat Elmers
I first discovered Connor's Legacy by recommendation from a close friend; she raved about how good Bill's techniques were and how right she was! Bill is a very kind, caring and patient man who never turns down helping any dog in need. He has taught me a lot about the language of dogs and taught me many things in how to be a better owner and leader. When possible we try to attend the twice weekly pack walk which I would recommend to everyone; Bill is constantly teaching us and with the many different dogs as visual aids its a lot easier to understand. I arranged a house call from Bill to asses myself and my two (at the time) dogs. Bill was fantastic and really patient when teaching me the do's and don'ts of being an owner. I had a very high energy level dog and Bill taught me how to try and keep him calm and how to look out for my dogs own calming signals. We also began working on removing his dominance issues. As said before, Bill was very patient with me and a fantastic teacher.
"the training day helped us bond"
A ROCKY ROAD (an ode to Bill and Ben)
A poem by Christine Smylie
No words or card can fully express -
My huge debt of gratefulness.
I had not owned him very long -
My rescue dog, so BIG, so STRONG!
I did not know him well enough -
With dogs would he be nice or rough?
Would he get bitten? Or would HE bite?
Would he start a deadly fight?
It wasn't hard to guess – to KNOW....
That I was scared to let him go!
Of this big dog I was already fond -
Then the training day helped us bond.
But the biggest step was the walk on the beach
With twenty dogs within his reach!
My stress levels were high as a kite!
I felt sure there would be a fight!
But off he ran – soon one of the pack;
Chasing about – even coming back!
Running in the water, rolling in the sand -
Watching Rocky play, made my heart expand!
My stress flowed out with the tide -
Replaced instead with a glow of pride!
I'd still not known him very long,
My rescue dog, so BIG, so STRONG,
But through two guys named Bill and Ben,
Dog-loving and charismatic men -
I've learned a lesson that is a must -
I have learned – how to TRUST.
Christine Smylie
" I Googled Dog Behaviour and Psychology and up popped Connors Legacy"
Review by Vikki Ivory
In May 2009 I adopted my 6 year old Staffie boy Tyson.
After working as a volunteer at my local rescue centre for 5 months and being around all the dogs Tyson caught my eye, he was not coping with Kennel life at all well, he had been there for a year already with no sign of anyone showing an interest in him, probably because he was skinny, had no fur on his ears, tail or tummy, sores inside his ears where he used to rub them along the bars of his kennel and he used to hang off of the bars with his teeth trying to get out. He was already showing signs of dog aggression and was covered in scars all up and down his legs and face, but when you actually spent time with him he was a loving kind boy. It was then I decided that he was coming home with me.
I knew it was not going to be easy but I was sure in my heart that he could be rehabilitated if I spent the time working with him, as I am a firm believer that ALL dogs can change you just have to know how to do it. I enrolled him in dog training classes and started taking him every Saturday morning. Because he was not very friendly he was muzzled throughout the class, he would lunge at the other dogs and sometimes take quite a dislike to some, most people stayed away from us as I appreciate a Staff called Tyson with a muzzle on is not something most people want to approach. After some time he was doing very well at sitting walking and down stays but I still had trouble with walking him outside of school he would lunge at any dog that was near or approaching making me look like I could not control him, which I couldn't.
The rescue kennels suggested I get a puppy as a companion for him and when a litter was born I put my name on a little tan bitch. At 8 weeks an introduction was made which was less than successful and I was told that Ty (as he was know known) was nothing more than a shark and would NEVER be able to live with a dog he would most certainly kill it. I was devastated and did not agree with his diagnosis at all. It was then that I vowed I would not be taking him back to the training classes and I WOULD find another trainer that did not have any preconceived ideas about Ty or that he was a staffie.
So I Googled Dog behaviour and Psychology and up popped Connors Legacy. After reading the website I knew that this was what I had been looking for, I liked the way Bill and his team worked. I made a phone call and after speaking to Bill I already felt better about the fact that he thought Ty could be helped. I made arrangements for Bill to come and spending the day with Ty and me to show ME the error of MY ways.
It soon became apparent that I was making Ty anxious, nervous and had unwittingly given him the job of looking after me and protecting me. I just thought how much he loved me and wanted to be with me and how nice it was that he was my baby after such a poor start in his life.
I was given a long list of things to do to change my habits and turn poor Ty back into a dog and one that didn't have to live with the stress I had given him. I claimed back my space and started training him. I then after about a month of working with him and not seeing a sole on our walks every day (one of the bonuses I thought of living near fields) on Bill's recommendation I started to come on the socialisation walks. Which have been a great help although at times I cant see it Bill keeps telling me to remember the good that he has achieved already.
It has been a real time of soul searching for me as I realised that Ty was a mirror of myself and reacted to my every mood and emotion. I have not only learned to calm down and be aware of my emotions so that I can help Ty be happy, I have learned how to read what he is telling me, the signs have always been there I just didn't see them or know how to read them or what to do with them.
I am proud to say that with Bill's help and constant guidance 2 months after Bill + Ben spent the day with us I was able to bring home a puppy as a companion for Ty who is now 8 years old. Words can not express how happy I was to see Ty playing with another dog and an 8 week old one at that! Ty is still a work in progress and I am sure I will get there in the end if I keep putting the time and work in. I now spend more time training him to do tricks and act on commands so he knows I am in charge.
I cannot thank Bill enough for everything he has done for us and the constant guidance he gives us, never judging me or Ty and only ever offering kind words of encouragement, praise and guidance.
Thanks again Vikki and Ty
" Bill explained to me that Vlad wasn’t aggressive but very assertive and as mentioned before I had made this worse. "
Review by Mick and Anneka Hill
My wife and I are fortunate enough to be able to walk our dogs every day, meaning they get plenty of healthy physical exercise and socialisation, with this in mind I was at a loss to explain how our older dog Vlad(Rottweiler/German Shepard), would still want to play all night. Vlads favourite game was pulling the sheets of the bed at 3am then running around the house with them, this game would last ALL NIGHT, every night. Vlad soon began to get rather large, and started to assert himself much more, I perceived this assertiveness as aggression becausewhenever we tried to take the bed sheets off him or any other object he had picked up he would first growl and bark and then he would bite me or anyone else that tried.
The situation was made worse by my lack of understanding, I knew that I needed to be the pack leader and I thought the way to achieve this was to be dominant over Vlad, I thought that if I could over power him with strength and my own aggression Vlad would come to respect me as the leader. Here’s some advice from me, NEVER try to overpower an 8 stone dog by thinking you’re a tough guy you will lose!
This is where Connors Legacy stepped in, Bill explained to me that Vlad wasn’t aggressive but very assertive and as mentioned before I had made this worse, Vlad did not respect me because he knew I didn’t have the tools to combat his assertive nature. Bill showed me how to become a calm yet assertive pack leader, he showed me how to control Vlad by using my facial expression to let Vlad know that what he was doing was wrong, by changing my body language Vlad started reacting almost instantly, by using a combination of hand signals and facial expressions I could get Vlad of the couch without even going near him.
Bill then explained why Vlads excitement levels were so high even though he had been out for a walk. Vlad is a very intelligent dog, who needed mental training and exercise as well as physical. We needed to challenge Vlad and we did this with a variety of games and toys that soon produced a drastic change in our situation. With just 30 minutes of “brain training” before bed Vlad would be exhausted and we would have an uninterrupted night of sleep.
Just a few months later we have a transformed dog, everybody who attends the Connors Legacy social walks knows Vlad very well and they may be surprised when they read this, of how different Vlad was and how close we were to taking him to a shelter or worse, to the vet to be put down. Vlad is living proof that a positive mental attitude, patience and the guidance of a great team in Connors Legacy is enough to turn the worst of situations around and to save the life of a fantastic dog.
Thanks to everyone at Connors Legacy.
Mick and Anneka Hill, Big Bear and Little Bear.
"Bill and his team offered invaluable advice every time just from observing Jackson’s interaction with us"
Review by Zoe Burdett
We spent a year deciding whether to get a dog and which breed would suit our lifestyle best. With children planned for the future we wanted a family-friendly addition to our twosome and decided on a Labrador. After choosing the breeder we collected Jackson, aged eight and a half weeks, from Kings Lynn back in January 2010. Puppy training classes started at 12 weeks and after a timid initial start Jackson loved his weekly sessions with the other dogs and was a keen leaner. Intermediate lessons followed the beginner’s classes and he completed this course too.
During the Autumn of 2010 we chatted to one of the many other dog owners we’d met while walking Jackson and they told us about Connor’s Legacy walks. From our research we knew that socialisation was key to a happy dog and so decided to join the walks the next Sunday we were free. Watching Jackson running and playing with all the other dogs, splashing in and out of rivers, chasing and being chased was the best sight ever. He didn’t stop for two hours and at the end of the walk we lifted one very happy and tired puppy back in to the car.
Changing my part time work days so I could take him on Thursdays too meant Jackson got two of the best possible walks and socialisation experiences every week. We could see him learning about shy dogs, frightened dogs, confident dogs, dominating, playful, young and old dogs – taking the characters of each and changing his own behaviour if he needed to. We didn’t come to Connor’s Legacy because we felt that Jackson had issues that we needed help with, we joined the walks purely for the benefits of socialising our puppy. What we found was that, as first time dog owners, Bill and his team offered invaluable advise every time just from observing Jackson’s interaction with us and how we reacted to him. They have helped us to understand that one-word commands are best, to see when Jackson is happy and when he starts to look worried, to recognise when he is making attempts at being dominant with other dogs and his body language when he is submitting.
Life is changing again as we are expecting our first baby in October this year and Connor’s Legacy has already made suggestions for subtle changes to the way we live with Jackson. These changes will help prevent stress for Jackson when the baby arrives and so, hopefully, help to prevent any unwanted changes in his behaviour.
One of the most unexpected outcomes from attending the walks is that we wouldn’t be scared anymore of giving a home to a rescue dog at some time in the future. We’ve seen the happy changes in dogs and their owners and many positive works in progress. We know that when the time comes to bring home a four-legged friend for Jackson we would have help and support if we needed it.
Thank you Everyone at Connor’s Legacy, what you do is truly Amazing!
Zoe and Jackson
"by introducing different mentally stimulating games, clicker training and further socialisation with other dogs; Ruby is now a much happier dog"
Review By Nicola Duke
I adopted my American Bulldog, Ruby, last July. She was only two years old but had spent the last year in kennels and developed a few bad habits – namely food aggression & toy possession.
Within the first few weeks of having her ‘home’, Ruby had displayed signs of very dominant behaviour – especially towards her food, toys and other dogs. Most of the time she was a lovable lap dog but, being a large and powerful dog, even a playful growl could sound very menacing.
It wasn’t long before I feared walking her in public parks due to some negative encounters with other dogs. The intensity of her growls when playing with a new toy also terrified me and, I admit, on several occasions I feared she would have to be returned to the kennels.
It was at this point I sought the help of Connor’s Legacy as I needed guidance as to how to offer Ruby the direction she needed, and learn how to gain her trust and respect. After meeting staff from Connor’s Legacy, it soon became evident that, although Ruby was indeed a dominant dog, aspects of her behaviour were being caused by my own responses to her and the lack of leadership I was offering.
Connor’s Legacy not only taught me how to work with Ruby to overcome behavioural problems, but also gave direction as to how we could meet her needs as a dog. In this respect the socialisation walks have been a key factor to the progress she has made. Whilst staff are there to offer direction, advice and guidance to owners; Ruby’s increased social skills have definitely stemmed by learning from the other dogs that attend.
In addition, by introducing different mentally stimulating games, clicker training and further socialisation with other dogs; Ruby is now a much happier dog and we have overcome some of the issues we initially experienced. It is rare that she displays any of these ‘old bad habits’ but I’d be lying if I said they were completely overcome. However, Connor’s Legacy always provides guidance, support and, sometimes, just a simple confidence boost to ensure these situations were handled in the correct manner.
Nicola Duke
"we saw an immediate change in Minnie"
Review by Stacey & Paul
We were recommended Connor’s Legacy by a friend whose brother had used Bill when he needed help with his rescue border collie. We had four Staffordshire Bull Terriers ranging from 6 years to 3 months old, two were rescued by us as they were born completely deaf and were therefore not wanted by their original homes. We had been through a very difficult year and as a result the dogs had been allowed to “rule the roost” a lot more than usual. This had resulted in our second oldest bitch Minnie becoming very dominant with the eldest bitch Daisy and the younger dog Alfie.
Adding a new puppy into the mix didn’t seem to help things and so began a series of “arguments” between the dogs, various things seem to set them off but it was always Minnie at the centre of the trouble. After a row between Minnie and Alfie resulted in a severe cut to Alfie’s leg we sought Bills help. He came and spent the day with us and it was apparent early on that we had become rather complacent with them over the previous weeks and months and as a result Minnie now felt compelled to take charge of the pack as she clearly felt we were not up to the task! Minnie had always been a nervy dog and Bill explained that not only did she not want this new found leadership she was not up to the job either, the fear had lead to the increase in dominance and that had led to the aggression. Now we had the reason we had to find the solution!
Thank god by contacting Bill we were already half way there! Bill was patient, non-judgemental and extremely understanding, he showed us how to read the dogs signals to get a better understanding of what their mood was, he taught us how to keep them calm and how to deal with the “flashpoints” which led to the arguments between them. After several techniques over a number of days we found the best solution for us was to take back control by using firm, assertive leadership with all of the dogs, we saw an immediate change in Minnie, she seemed calmer and happier and started to play again (a thing she hadn’t done in a while) We also took the opportunity to change some unwanted behaviours in the younger dogs and after nearly three years got Alfie back into his own pen to sleep after allowing him to sleep on our bed every night! We are still working on these techniques on a daily basis and Bill has always been on the end of the line should we need him. We cannot recommend Bill and Connors Legacy enough, if you want a better understanding of your dog I urge you to contact Bill and his team, you won’t be disappointed.
Stacey and Paul.
"Straight away we saw a change in Diesel just by holding the lead correctly...he could walk past other dogs without causing chaos, and I started to relax a bit!"
Review by Emma Gunary
We have a two year old Boxer called Diesel who we adore but taking him out anywhere became so stressful as we were having problems with him around other dogs, he was very dominant and so distracted by other dogs that he wouldn’t respond to us at all. We therefore had quite a few bad experiences with other dogs and lots of angry owners. Sadly we always tried to walk him somewhere that we weren’t going to bump into another dog!
We first met Bill after being told by a friend about the socialisation walks. So we turned up one Sunday in October, nervous and not sure what to expect but Bill was so understanding and calming and gave us a few pointers. Straight away we saw a change in Diesel just by holding the lead correctly...he could walk past other dogs without causing chaos, and I started to relax a bit!
Since then Bill has help us through any issues and problems we’ve had. He came to see Diesel at home and saw how different he is here. And explained that a lot of Diesels issues when we’re out come from how I react to a situation and Diesel then feeling the need to protect me and assert himself. With Bills help and guidance I have learnt so much, from understanding Diesels body language and how to react or not to react in situations, to simple exercises on and off the lead to show Diesel that I am in charge and that he doesn’t need to worry about protecting me.
Diesel is such a clever dog and has only ever wanted to please me but I was unknowingly giving him mixed signals. We are still working on things but have made so much progress already. I’m just glad I can begin to understand him more and offer him the direction he needs to be happier. The results are so rewarding.
We now attend the socialisation walks each week and thoroughly enjoy ourselves, we’ve had a few hiccups along the way but someone from Connors Legacy is always there to explain, advise and calm us. As well as Bills teaching, these walks have definitely played a big part in helping Dog and Owner! Everyone who attends has made us feel so welcome from day one, shared all kinds of stories, experiences and understanding.
Thank you so much, from the Gunary family.
"This helped so much, understanding Alfie and his behaviour"
Review by Mrs Gay Schaller
I found Connors Legacy on the internet after realising we needed help with our dog Alfie, we were not enjoying going out with him as we had all hoped and got to the point he was embarrasing, he had issues with the fence and dogs next door we had to barracade the fence as he was destroying it, my garden became a mess rather than the place we should be enjoying and relaxing through the summer.
When we first met Bill he explained why Alfie was behaving the way he was this helped so much, understanding Alfie and his behaviour.
We were then shown how to start gaining back control of Alfie instead of him controling us, by giving direction and taking away his anxiety
so he could be a dog and not protector.
When Bill came he spent ages with us always explaining what he was doing and why and showing us what to do nothing was rushed which made it easy for us to take in all that was being said and shown to us
but it was not just the day Connors Legacy has been there if we needed them( which we have on a few occasions) always ready to help
We now go twice a week on socalisation walks with Connors Legacy staff to the woods there are a lot of us (suddenly you realise your not the only one) and talking to other owners with problems really helps
Now us and Alfie really love going for our walks the change in him over the weeks has made such a difference and to see him with all the other dogs is such a joy to see and I have gained confidence in taking him on my own letting him off the lead and just loving it knowing he will not be far behind.
I cant thank Connors Legacy and all the staff enough for helping us to have the dog we dreamed of and not the little brat we were living with
looking forward to the next socalisation walk so see you all on Sunday
Mrs Gay Schaller
"Bill is really easy to approach with any problem/concern"
Review by Vicki Lewis
Connors Legacy has been a great help to me and my dogs. We are only really at the begining, but already I am learning more about the mind of a dog. Bill has already given us some great advice, and we have seen a big improvement in little Bambi, who feared other dogs. I have managed to stop her pulling ahead, we are getting there with having her walking behind, but already she is a happier dog. Bill is really easy to approach with any problem/concern, and I have not felt silly asking any questions. If I have not understood something, Bill has been able to show me, for instance with getting Bambi to walk behind me. Not only is he teaching me things about my dogs, he has taught me things about myself. It is great having a better insight into the mind of my dogs. I am looking forward to further progress, and am very thankful to Connors Legacy for all help and advice so far :)
Vicki Lewis
"Bill has helped me all the way through"
Review by Sue Thompson
We first met Bill through a friend on his walks in Friday woods. Freddie is nearly 2 he is loved and we thought happy, however after meeting Bill we realize he was more in control of us than the other way round. My concerns were that Freddie will not come back when we are out, and his behaviour at home. I have learnt I am part of the problem, Freddie needs to have someone to lead him, not the other way round. I am learning to be calmer, less excited, and to talk less when giving him instructions. Apparently he does not understand sentences, no voice,(for me an impossible task) just hand signals, I am learning. Bill is helping us to socialize without the excitement, therefore not sending the other dogs in a frenzy. With the help of Bills dogs, Freddie is learning and with our more controlled care he is doing well. He has never sat and waited as much in his life as he has these last few days, as we start to use his brain, to trian him in certain behaviours, rewarding him when he does as requested with one word no excitment and not a convesation.
Then we spoke of having another dog for us and for Freddie, we hoped for a new puppy, Bill suggested a rescue dog, they need a home as much as a new puppy and have not asked to be neglected or ill treated.
We went ahead to look for a puppy!!!! Then unexpectedly we heard of a 10 month old lab, bitch who was homeless ,very little history known, she was spoken of kindly and was apparently a lovely little dog. I went to see her convinced I would not want her!!! how wrong I was. She is a little poppet, she has had some training and is a bright loving little treasure. Bill has helped me all the way through. By text, phone and by coming to the house. Before I saw her, after I had seen her and that was only on Thursday. He came to help me introduce her to the home and to Freddie, who adores her. Bill said to make him the boss, so we did and she respects Freddie now, occasionally she tries it on but we help him to regain his position, important for a happy household I now realise.
Freddie has always walked well on his lead, Molly has no idea!!!! how could I walk them both. Bill answered yet another phone call and explained how to walk them both and to reduce their excitement levels, Fridays walk was a nightmare and I began to think I would never walk them, using Bills technique today they walked really well, it will take time, but I know with his help we will win, and instead of an over excited young male hooligan, I think we will have two very intelligent and happy dogs and a very calm owner.
I have learnt to understand other breeds I would previously have avoided. I have seen a change in Freddie and his very excited behaviour. I am able to find my way round fridaywoods more easily but still get lost. !!!!! and I have met new friends and heard some sad stories of dogs who have been adopted and given unconditional love.
Bill is excellent with the dogs they understand him and he them, he is also very kind and patient with their owners, he offers understanding of the dogs and guides us humans in the right way with the dogs best interest at heart. Many Thanks Bill for all you do, for being who you are and helping Rick and I to have a happy and much calmer home.
Sue Thompson
"Bambi responded to his calming presence and within minutes you could see the connection"
Review By The Pearson Family
After considering adopting a rescue dog for quite a few months, we finally took the plunge when we saw a lively 2 year old lakeland terrier cross called Bambi at Clacton Animal Rescue Centre. That was in January 2010, we were happy to give a home to a rescue dog, but, the first few weeks were definately challenging as she had no formal training, had been mistreated and we felt sorry for her because of her background, she had spent a long time in the kennels without socialising and basically we were letting her rule the house.
One of the biggest obstacles was taking her for walks, she wasn't aggressive, but, understandably was very defensive when near other dogs and certainly made her presence felt before they had a chance to say hello. Thankfully, one day I got talking to another dog walker who told me about Bill. I called him up as soon as I got home and arranged for him to come to the house and see us. That was the day everything changed, Bambi responded to his calming presence and within minutes you could see the connection. Over the following four weeks both Bambi and mostly the family had lessons with Bill, he taught us techniques on how to train and deal with Bambi's behaviour. When to reward and when to assert ourselves and over the past 10 months we have seen how Bambi has settled, calmed and seems a much happier and much loved member of our family.
Bill always says it is down to us as we are the ones who have to continue what he teaches, but, we are very grateful to him for his guidance, understanding and continued support, whenever needed. The weekly socialising walks have transformed Bambi, it is lovely to see her now running freely with other dogs, wanting to play and be part of a pack, I really do not think this would of happened without the walks. Bambi is one of the first to arrive and definately reluctantly one of the last to leave each week.
Thanks Bill :)
From the Pearson family
Every dog should be treated as an individual because behaviour is not breed-specific
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