• Legacy Dog Psychology
The most loving of dog owners are sadly misunderstanding their dogs needs, a dog needs someone to take charge and make them feel safe or they will feel the need to do it for themselves.....
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• Legacy Health
In this section we are able to give advice about the health of your dog and also cover your health too....
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Breeders vs. Rescues
So where does the problem really lie? One would think its 100% the fault of breeders and those whoops litters. But no, that is not the route of the problem, not by a long shot. Breeders are the effect of the problem, and the massive pet overpopulation is the aftermath. Yes, breeders, as a whole, are breeding more litters than there are homes for, yet, they are selling them. So why is that, why are breeders selling their litters when there's a worldwide pet overpopulation problem? Because people do not look at the purchase of a puppy or kitten as a life long commitment. Puppies and kittens are so cute, most are purchased on impulse. Who could, after all, resist that cute little face.....MORE.....
AA Dog Rescue is dedicated to saving 'pound dogs'. These are dogs who through no fault of their own, have found themselves places in council pounds where they have 7 days in which to be claimed or go into rescue. Unfortunately, there are only so many rescue spaces available and when their 7 days are up, if they are still there, they are put to sleep!!! We do our upmost to get them out but are losing an average of 200 dogs a day! Please help us to help them!!! The lucky ones that we do get are fully assessed, neutered, vaccinated and chipped. An adoption fee of £100-£150 will apply. Every time someone adopts a dog, it means we can save another!!! - See more at: http://www.aadogrescue.org.uk/about-us/#sthash.MjHohniD.dpuf

Wildlives rescues, treats rehabilitates and releases back into the wild, everything from Blue tits to Barn Owls, Hedgehogs to Foxes. Different enclosures, covering 6 acres of land, provide as natural an environment as possible for our patients. We are a member of the 'European Wildlife Rehabilitation Association.'
http://www.wildlives.org.uk/ |

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If you have used any of Connors Legacy's services or have had any dealings with Connors Legacy, then please could we ask that you could help us to help more Dogs or people by writing an account on how you found the service, price, staff, information and even the result or out come as other happy clients have done so below.
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Had a fantastic long dog walk today over Gosbecks, it's taken over 1.5 years to pluck up the courage to go over since a horrible incident with a lovely English bull terrier that dared to come say hello to Dillon! Poor thing, anyhow, got brave and went over there today stayed in the non 'concentrated with dogs' part but happy to say, no incidents , Dillon was a very happy playful boy, and I am so pleased the hard work with Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist is paying off!! Thank you Bill Gibson.
Bill and his Jedi powers with dogs! Learnt loads more about calming signals and how important it is to think of when I stroke poppy, not when she's excited basically! Love my pops so much and it's the best thing in the world to be able to understand her more :) thank you Bill :) will get around to emailing that testimonial!
Hi Bill a quick update to let you know that Mia and Jess are doing just great and I cant thank you enough for your help we are keeping up with the training and thinking of new ideas to get them thinking and using the skills they have at finding things xx will keep you posted xx
I'd like to share with everyone just how fantastic Bill is with all things canine! Poppy and I met him for our first assessment a few days ago. It's opened up our world to be able to read Poppy's body language more and be more in tune with her. Taking more responsibility away from her and therefore making her more relaxed too! Incredible! Thank you Bill :)
Hi Bill, just wanted to say thank you for all your help over the past few months... We have just got back from our first camping/climbing trip of the year and Buddy has been so good- With around 30 people joining us as well as 4 other dogs there were lots of new introductions but he was very happy to greet everyone and they all commented on how much better he was and how much happier he seemed. With so much going on he was very excited so that still needs work but overall he has improved so much already it's amazing! We've just got home and he's so tired from all the fun he's zonked out in his crate for the evening but we're now looking forward to taking him to France in 2 weeks, hopefully he will be just as good! Jem, Alan and Buddy :)
Just spent 2 hours with Bill from Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist and I must say I am so pleased to have met this man. I learnt so much in those 2 hours and I feel I can understand my pup so much more. He's taught me alot of things about y he behaves in certain ways and his body language and how to respond. If anyone would like some help with understanding their dog then I would definitely recommend this guy, he's taught me so much. I can't believe it. I've learnt some amazing things and were already using the methods and the response from him is fab. I've never had a dog before let alone a staffie and the negative feedback about them is awful. He's such a loving pup. I only went to Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist because of a couple of small things as I heard how good he was and I'm amazed how little we have to do and how easy it is for both me and him to change our lives. Defo going to keep it up. Thanks bill
In total, 3 hours spent at Bark in the Park today. I am SO proud of my beautiful girl. Yes, she had some nervy moments with her tail between her legs. But no lunging at all and the majority of the time she walked behind me. Considering the volume of noise with microphones, generators and plenty of people, I could not be feeling any more chuffed than I am right now - what a great finish to my 2 weeks off work, I so don't want to go back tomorrow! We bumped into another huge Leo, turned out he is her older brother and was so easy to spot the parents in the two of them. Thank you Bill for the time you've spent with us, as you have gone above and beyond. Hope you all enjoy some downtime at the end of the festival and a huge thanks to you and everyone at the council for such a great event today - really was lovely to see so many dogs in one place. Will definitely be attending next year!
Red had a behaviour assessment today with Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist can I just say WOW! I'm already gaining a better understanding of my dog and seeing changes to his behaviour with using simple techniques that he can understand a happy Mummy! Xxx
Thanks to your professional help and advice with Denzel's lead aggression we did a sponsored walk this Sunday just gone for Angels Animal Rescue with around 20 other dogs of all shapes and sizes and some very yappy which used to send Denz into the red zone of no return. We had numerous compliments on his fantastic behaviour and how well he walks on the lead! We really can't say thank you enough, would highly recommend for any lead issues.
SOOOO HAPPY!!!! Just been out to a lady who had already called a couple of rescues to take her Doberman-& the breeder-who didn't even bother calling her back-the behaviour between the Doberman & the Boxer she has was so extreme they were causing physical harm to each other-yes, I was there an hour-but the problem was solved & calm restored before I opened the door-what u have allowed me to learn from u is priceless — with Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist.
Had a great first session with Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist Bill. Lots to think about and lots of new habits to practice. We are on our way to a happier, calmer, more relaxed pug family. How exciting.
Renée Venus is amazed and proud! One of my boys left the gate open and Honey bounded out into our street full of kids! My heart sank but as I called her thinking she'd have knocked them all flying in excitement! I found her sitting on my front step with my boys trying desperately to contain her excitement (her whole body was trembling) It was amazing! I pointed her back to the back garden and off she went! I could cry happy tears! I never thought she'd ever calm down! Massive thanks to the help I have had from Bill at Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist my girl is finally becoming a normal dog.
Whoop whoop, second day in the row with Honey walking beautifully on her lead, still cheekily a little in front of me but regularly looking at me to check she is going the right way! No pulling!! Even able to walk both dogs together Happy days! Thanks as always to the support of Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist
Jan Barry well what can i say u educated me in understanding my reg who thought he was the boss and had issues . after a complant from council i was able to keep my dog by getting expert help from u the issues are too long to list but now i have a better behaved dog and would recommend u to others there will allways be hiccups but the good over runs the bad . keep up the good work xxx
Jan Barry there will allways be one misunderstanding between dogs my dog was attacked in mypark a few months ag and after talking to bill about it myself and the otherdog wner were jointly to blame . by our reactions i too allso reacted in the wrong manner
Jan Barry reg is coming along great there is still a few bits to iron out but he not no longer the boss mind u he did fight the cat last night but he only did that cos the cat had a go at him first as soon as i pointed to his bed he went .the yapping as calmed down as well .and hes not having a bark at other dogs in the park hes now quite happy to go up to them and be mates . me and another dog owner let them both off the lead and all they did was play . and this is all thanks to bill he guided me x
Vikki Ivory. We are all there for one reason or another personal to us and our dogs and usually because we have misunderstood what our dogs are saying to us and want them to all get along with others. (Sam Ive just read on talking terms with dogs - calming signals by Truid Rugaas, talk about light bulb moment) I have an adopted grumpy Staffie and contacted Conors Legacy to help as I wanted a friend for him and could not accept that he was beyond help as other dog trainers had told me, he now lives with a female bull terrier and actually acts like a dog.
Nicola Duke Vikki......have just finished that book myself! It has really helped shape my understanding of some of Ruby & Nuala's behaviour.....even small things. Everyday we walk past a house which is home to a dog and the dog barks every time we pass. Ruby has started to pass by the house in a large curve offering the dog a calming signal - even though it is out of sight behind a door. Its really helped shape my understanding.. AS ever, there's only so much knowledge you can get from a book....I can sometimes now see the signals between them but have difficulty understanding what they mean....thank lordy we have Bill to act as spokesperson for them ; )
Vikki Ivory
I know, there were so many bits I thought oh no poor dogs I do that or I tell them off when they do this, like you say we just keep learning and hopefully get some of it right. I have actually started to notice at the kennels that some dogs don't do or respond it seems to the signals of others, its usually when they have been in for a while which is such a very big shame we are only failing them at the end of the day.
Vladimir Ghengis Napolean Hill This video was made last year and talks about just a few problems i have overcome thanks to bill gibson.
Gay Schaller Quite simply, dont know where we would have been without Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist It has led us to very happy life with our dog Alfie and taken us further with fostering other dogs until they are rehomed. Alfies problems were many, and all our fault we just did not understand him, now we do and I cant thank you enough and thats a great big toothy grin from Alfie who said he is all EARS waiting for your next command xx
Lex Clements I want to thank bill and all the other people and there dogs.I was terrified of dogs. Via my daughter getting rescue dogs. I had to over come my fear. Not easily done. But with Connors legacy. Bill has helped me over come this. The fact that I now also have a rescue Dog. I still attend walks when possible and there is always bill at the end of the phone any time and trust me I've called him as my daughter has also. Well done to Bill and the team. And of course. Many thanks for finding me Obi.
Abi Gillette I just want to add that Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist has helped me enourmously to manage the fear aggression in my dog, I was at my witts end but Bill helped me learn to change my behaviour to change my dogs behaviour. Any decent person would try and work through their dogs problem, because whats the alternative?
Maxiene Fraser Was Johnston Bill n sam of Connors legacy have been nothing but supportive, honest n helpful in sorting out problems with my 2 Staffys. Jerry had never been off lead in his life( he's 14 months old) due to him being highly excitable which at times could show as aggression. I learnt quickly how to read jerrys signals n communicate with him to avoid such behaviours n how innocently I was adding to his bad behaviour. One thing I also learnt is dogs learn from other dogs in the same way we learn from other humans. Socialisation is all part of that process. On lead jerry would snarl at other dogs as he felt he was protecting me, off lead he was a happy content dog playing. I would never have seen this if it wasn't for Connors legacy. Dogs will squabble as humans do n again this is a learning process. I also learnt not to intervene but to walk away n call my dog calmly as heading in would cause jerry to try n protect me. Dominant dogs attacking is something I have never witnessed on the walks I've been on. Bill has many many years of experience which is worth more than a piece of paper n without his help I would have given up on jerry eventually all because I couldn't understand him n it was through no fault of his own. I don't like to judge as I don't know u but can suggest a good book which may help u understand dogs n communication a bit more it called on talking terms with dogs: calming signals by turid rugaas x
Nicola Duke I owe Connors Legacy Dog-Behaviourist so much gratitude for the help, guidance and support helping Ruby become the dog she is today. When we talk about controlling our dogs, or having the ability to control our dogs, I can't help but wonder how many dogs out there are, hand on heart, 100% 'controllable'. I think the more important issue here, rather than control, is about responsible ownership. I know people have different perceptions of what 'responsible ownership' means, however, the owners who attend these walks are doing their best to know & understand their dogs. I've been attending these walks for over a year and cannot credit the owners or Connors Legacy for their commitment towards the dogs. When I first met Bill my dog had food agression, toy guarding issues, dominance, lack of socilisation with other dogs and was muzzled upon every time we left the house.... My YouTube video below shows how these issues have been overcome. This would not have occured without Bill's help, patience and understanding. When I adopted Ruby from a local rescue I was also advised not to have a second dog in the house as Ruby was not particularly sociable. Again, with Bill's help, this has been turned on its head and Ruby shares her home with another dog. I urge anyone who has passed judgement on these dogs, connors legacy or the dog owners themselves to please take it upon themselves to better their understanding of dog behaviour......You would think that after 1500 years of dog domestication such understanding would be part of our genetic blueprint, however, this is not the case and even those with the best behaved dogs could learn more by taking the time to find out...
For your veiwing pleasure.......
Please take the time to get to know your dog, understand their way of thinking and not what you think they are thinking as this would normally be wrong if you were thinking from a human point of view..
Connors Legacy Dog Psychology And Training is a growing business offering help to dog owners throughout the UK. The company, which is based in Colchester is a newly formed company in 2010, although the owner holds over 27 years experience in the psychology and training of these truly remarkable animals and wishes to help other dog owners believe in their dog. Almost every canine in modern day society has been bred to help and respect humans and if everyone took the time to understand how a dog thinks, there would be no need to fear dogs. Dogs are truly amazing and are being used today to find cancer, drugs, bombs, people, endangered plants, animals and even fish in the hope of conservation and so much more.
Connors Legacy aims to supply all owners with a professional Dog trainer, behaviourist, psychologist and counsellor, that will offer total understanding of their dog. The expert staff ensure clients noticeable results within the first week on a one to one basis and starting within the home, as this is where most problems start. We offer a retraining program that works for your dog, from a gentle reinforcement to the Dog Whisperer Way if needed and helping the owner understand that they can still spoil their dog, only in more of a controlled manner.
This service is intended to give more understanding to owners and reduce the amount of dogs in rescue homes today, by offering the first assessment free we will hopefully help with reducing the lack of respect that has built up from owner and dog as the behavioural issues become more apparent. The company will reduce the stress put on dogs owned by the most loving of dog owners. A lot of owners believe they are doing the right thing in treating their dog as they would a child, sadly this causes a lot of stress to the dog and behavioural problems for the owner. Please try to balance Play, Love and Direction (teaching) with your dog as this will help keep them balanced and calm.
Connors Legacy Dog Psychology And Training has a growing network of private clients, situated around North Essex/South Suffolk and wishes to expand to neighbouring towns and counties, in the hope of bringing peace to other communities where there are unbalanced dogs.
Sadly a lot of owners get their dogs for protection and believe their dog should act in a certain way, which brings fear into the community. Connors Legacy wishes to inform those people that have these dogs, that there is a more controlled way of training your dog that will help keep yourself and any people close, safe from any accidents that may occur through the wrong type of training.
How To Find Connors Legacy
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Dont Blame The Breeds, Blame The Act.
The Dangerous Dogs Act

And RIP to all the other 'Pit Bull Types' and the other so called dangerous dogs that this Dangerous Dogs Act caused the unecessary deaths of.
Domestic Dogs have been bred through the years to please humans. A dog would need to be trained that it was ok to bite another dog or human. Any other time, the domestic dog would bite through fear and would usually give a warning before doing so, like a growl or bark. Police and Security dogs need to be trained to act the way they do.

Please click on the picture of beautiful Afra above for the
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This is Connor, his Legacy lives on
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Can you give one of the many thousands of dogs in rescue home a full time loving home and help reduce the need for as many rescue centres
If you find your home quiet at times or you maybe thinking of getting a dog, but you are not sure if a dog is right for your home. You may not wish to have the responsibility of owning a dog fulltime. Please consider offering a rescue dog a home until a fulltime loving home can be found, your generosity could help make the transition into a forever loving home, so much easier.

Could you foster a dog until a full time loving home becomes available. Click Here...
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*Please note that all calls to Connors Legacy are charged at your network providers standard rates. Calls from a landline maybe set at a standard rate, **but calls to a mobile usually costs more.
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