• Legacy Dog Psychology
The most loving of dog owners are sadly misunderstanding their dogs needs, a dog needs someone to take charge and make them feel safe or they will feel the need to do it for themselves.....
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• Legacy Sales
We are hoping to have this up and running soon......
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• Legacy Health
In this section we are able to give advice about the health of your dog and also cover your health too....
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Breeders vs. Rescues
So where does the problem really lie? One would think its 100% the fault of breeders and those whoops litters. But no, that is not the route of the problem, not by a long shot. Breeders are the effect of the problem, and the massive pet overpopulation is the aftermath. Yes, breeders, as a whole, are breeding more litters than there are homes for, yet, they are selling them. So why is that, why are breeders selling their litters when there's a worldwide pet overpopulation problem? Because people do not look at the purchase of a puppy or kitten as a life long commitment. Puppies and kittens are so cute, most are purchased on impulse. Who could, after all, resist that cute little face.....MORE.....
If your looking for something new and fresh to read then try something from Debbie Lewis

Wildlives rescues, treats rehabilitates and releases back into the wild, everything from Blue tits to Barn Owls, Hedgehogs to Foxes. Different enclosures, covering 6 acres of land, provide as natural an environment as possible for our patients. We are a member of the 'European Wildlife Rehabilitation Association.' |
0844 800 3220
Doglost is a FREE SERVICE run by volunteers www.doglost.co.uk Reuniting Dogs with their Owners

Lost Dogs
Have you seen these dogs?

Shady has now been found
0844 800 3220
Doglost is a FREE SERVICE run by volunteers www.doglost.co.uk Reuniting Dogs with their Owners

Black Male Jack Russell x Patterdale (Age: Adult)
Missing from Kessingland Beach near Seaview holiday units. Suffolk, NR33 area, (East Anglia) onFriday, 2nd July 2010
disappeared at 7pm same time as friend's brown Jack Russell and neither has reappeared
There is a REWARD for OAKEY's safe return.
CONTACT: 01502742477 or 07900975005

How To Find Connors Legacy
Dont Blame The Breeds, Blame The Act.
The Dangerous Dogs Act

And RIP to all the other 'Pit Bull Types' and the other so called dangerous dogs that this Dangerous Dogs Act caused the unecessary deaths of.
Domestic Dogs have been bred through the years to please humans. A dog would need to be trained that it was ok to bite another dog or human. Any other time, the domestic dog would bite through fear and would usually give a warning before doing so, like a growl or bark. Police and Security dogs need to be trained to act the way they do.

Please click on the picture of beautiful Afra above for the
Dog Psychology Home page
Pease help us to help you. If you believe this site could be improved in anyway, please contact us at the address below. Thank you..
To Find Dog Rescue Centres Near You Click Here
Can you give one of the many thousands of dogs in rescue home a full time loving home and help reduce the need for as many rescue centres
If you find your home quiet at times or you maybe thinking of getting a dog, but you are not sure if a dog is right for your home. You may not wish to have the responsibility of owning a dog fulltime. Please consider offering a rescue dog a home until a fulltime loving home can be found, your generosity could help make the transition into a forever loving home, so much easier.

Could you foster a dog until a full time loving home becomes available. Click Here...

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Contact us via email:enquiries@connorslegacy.co.uk
Or ring Bill direct on 07989473131*
*Please note that all calls to Connors Legacy are charged at your network providers standard rates. Calls from a landline maybe set at a standard rate, *but calls to a mobile usually costs more.
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